15 Best Video Game Dragons
8. Ender Dragon

When the Ender Dragon was first introduced to Minecraft, many people even doubted its necessity. Minecraft wasn't a game that needed a final boss or an ending, why add some big bad dragon to fight.
Once the Ender Dragon was introduced most people quickly realises that they're a nice addition to the game and getting to the End to defeat this monster encourages you to explore all aspects of the title.
Being able to enter the End will be what most players build up to throughout the game, it makes Minecraft less directionless whilst not making it linear, you don't have to go to the End, there are a few ways to get there, and if you want to go there's no rush.
When you do make it to the End the Ender Dragon will be waiting for you. The battle has been updated throughout the years to what it is now where you have to destroy guarded crystals whilst she dives at you and attacks you with her dragon breath.
It's a good boss battle that tests all of your combat capabilities, and with the additional expanded End there's now an actual reason to defeat her beyond bragging rights, the Dragon Egg, and so you have something to aim for.