15 Biggest Video Game Lies You've Been Told This Decade

6. Watch Dogs' Immense Graphical Downgrade

If you were to point to one specific game that started this generation off on the wrong foot, it's Watch Dogs.

Initially delayed just after the launch of the new systems (which many people bought, specifically to play the game in the first place), when Ubisoft's latest finally launched in 2014, there was an immediate, demonstrable downgrade in graphical quality.

Not only that, but many areas appeared to be unfinished, had blurry textures, or just otherwise failed to look sufficiently 'next-gen'. Ubisoft insisted that the game had to look a certain way, and there was no downgrade - only for PC users to take one look at the game's files and note there were a number of graphical shaders turned off.

Said shaders restored the game to how it was supposed to look, leaving Ubi to respond by saying these changes were necessary to get the game running whatsoever.

That leaves to conclusions:

1. So they showed off a version of the game with said shaders turned on, knowing the game wouldn't render this way in the end, or

2. Well, actually, it was toss. PC modders got Watch Dogs up and running just nicely, the only possible explanation being that the game was downgraded for feature and performance parity across consoles and PC.

Which was it? We'll never know, because Ubi never commented on the state of the game again.

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