15 Biggest Video Game Lies You've Been Told This Decade

5. MGS V Will Be The "Missing Link" - Will Explain Big Boss' Downfall

Metal Gear Solid V Phantom pain snake

Now, the true story behind what happened over at Konami towers during MGS V's development is out there, and relatively well-known, however, the ructions between Hideo Kojima and Konami didn't happen until long into development - long after the crux of what MGS V 'is' had got out.

Which is to say, MGS V was supposed to be the 'missing chapter' between MGS: Peace Walker and the original Metal Gear on the MSX. Aiming to show just what happened to the the otherwise heroic Big Boss in between games, we'd assumedly get shown some pivotal event that twisted his mind into a nuclear weapon-possessing madman.

Except, well... we got nothing of the sort.

The Phantom Pain just up and did away with the thrust of its marketing, instead spinning a pointless yarn about how there were 'always two Big Bosses', and how you were a clone helping the 'real' version from the later games.

After the credits, we were no further forward, and if not for MGS V's genuinely outstanding gameplay, this would've face-planted the floor entirely.

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