15 Biggest Video Game Lies You've Been Told This Decade

12. Crackdown 3 Would Run Using "The Power Of The Cloud"

Crackdown 3

Hey, you there - do you know what "powered by the Cloud" even means?

I don't mean 'in theory', because we all know that 'in theory', Microsoft had commissioned some stupidly expensive 'cloud farm' of servers that would apparently help render games alongside physical hardware, but just how in the blue hell does that ever get past the discussion stage?

I mean, were they going to stream in the backgrounds whilst the game handled characters and weapons? What happens if you have an internet shortage, or the connection goes even a little bit spotty?

Microsoft were remiss to comment on this after the first reveal, and sufficed to say in the years that followed, we heard next to nothing about whether or not Crackdown 3 even existed.

It was re-revealed at E3 2017... though it happened to look exactly the same as before.

So much for 'cloud processing' being anything more than hot air.

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