15 Biggest Video Game Lies You've Been Told This Decade

11. Almost Everything About The Ouya

There was a time - a real, tangible, actual point in time - when it felt like the Ouya could actually be a thing.

Hear me out.

So, you had a console that was completely mod-able out the box, welcoming of tinkerings from those with the know-how, had the complete works of every console in history ready to be loaded on, AND with such momentum, would surely get all the triple-A publishers on board too.

A perfect controller, minimal size, speedy processo- oh, what? Oh, it was all a lie, and this 'groundbreaking console' was just a mobile phone chip in a glass case? Creator Julie Uhrman actually managed to squander 8.5 million dollars on prototypes, half-baked 'exclusives' and terrible adverts?

And on top of that, she once decried over and over to an audience of millions that the system was "nothing special"?

Yup, this deserved to be discontinued in 2015, but you really have to feel for all those 63,416 backers...

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No Man's Sky
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