15 Biggest Video Game Lies You've Been Told This Decade

8. Microsoft: "Everything Is Hardwired, We Can't Change Our Policies"

Xbox One

The tail-end of 2013 was literally a series of Microsoft attempting to throw curveballs, only for Sony to slam them straight out the ballpark.

One of the biggest was the genuinely baffling approach the former had to DRM (Digital Rights Management) in light of their Xbox One reveal. The initial controversy stemmed from Microsoft wanting to enact a "family policy" where a collection of Xbox accounts could be green-lit to all gain access to the same games, regardless of purchase.

So far, so good.

Next, they attempted to enforce a policy surrounding the purchasing/trading of 'license fees' (necessary to play games), even if you wanted to just lend a game to a friend.

Why, you ask? Because Microsoft was determined to convince you this was the future, they even had spokesman Major Nelson talking about how the console was built "from the ground up" to have these features, and it wasn't as simple as "flipping a switch" to revert them.

Though, literally a week later, when the world's media collectively screamed "ARE YOU F'ING SERIOUS?!", do you know what they did?

Flicked a switch.

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