15 Biggest Video Game Lies You've Been Told This Decade

9. Peter Molyneux & The Godus Project

Godus peter molyneux
22 Cans

You could call Peter Molyneux's career a 'fall from grace', though if you go back into the annals of gaming history, you only find more and more examples of when he spewed nothing but utter toss.

His latest steaming pile of nothingness came in the form of Godus; a game tied to a mobile app called Curiosity, where whoever tapped away enough to get to the centre would become a 'God' in the full game.

How did it work? F**K knows, because clearly nothing had been thought through. Winner Bryan Henderson was simply flown to the studios of 22cans and allowed to play a broken alpha build, with the resulting series of actions being nothing short of insulting for both Henderson, and the game's 17,184 Kickstarter backers.

You can read one of the most hands-down brutal dressings-down of a video game developer in our medium's history here, where Molyneux was taken to task over the state of the game, where the money went, how he even thought it was supposed to work, and everything in between.

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No Man's Sky
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