15 Biggest WTF Moments In The Witcher Trilogy

12. Lesbomancy

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Philippa Eilhart is a mysterious and intriguing character in The Witcher 2. You’re never sure whose side she’s really on, and while the sorceress aides you numerous times throughout the game, it eventually becomes obvious that she serves herself above all others.

Her enigmatic temperament is in stark contrast to her overt sexuality, which she makes no effort hiding. This becomes extremely apparent when Geralt, upon hearing a mixture of pain and ecstasy emanating from within the walls of Philippa’s home, casually strolls in to find her whipping her apprentice on the behind, which she clearly likes. And judging by Geralt’s face, so does he.

It is, uh, quite unexpected to say the least, though admittedly not an unwelcome sight. What makes it funny is how Geralt knows what’s going on before he opens the door, and still barges in like he owns the place, all while grinning like a schoolboy.

Of course, since the ladies love Geralt, they don’t seem to mind either. And even funnier is how Geralt and Philippa immediately begin discussing the plot with no acknowledgement of the context surrounding them. It’s sexy, surreal, and oddly comical.


Film and video game obsessed philosophy major raised by Godzilla, Goku, and Doomguy.