15 Crucial Questions For 2018's Biggest Video Games

2. What Differences Will It Have? - Shadow Of The Colossus Remake

Shadow Of The Colossus Remake

The Question: Original Shadow of the Colossus director Fumito Ueda recent stated that he has submitted a list of proposed changes to Sony for the upcoming remake, but has no idea if they'll actually be implemented. So, what should fans expect from the shiny new ground-up remake?

The Likely Answer: Ueda has already confirmed that none of the originally scrapped bosses will be restored to the game, so most of the differences aside from the graphical upgrade will be quality-of-life fixes, namely pertaining to the camera and controls, which remain by far the most complained-about aspects of the original title.

Expecting anything more than a remake that updates the visuals and functionality is setting yourself up for disappointment, but it's definitely possible that Suzuki has introduced a few new mechanics that perhaps weren't feasible back in 2005.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.