15 Disturbing Video Game Achievements You Should Be Ashamed Of

4. Too Far (South Park: The Stick Of Truth)

Lollipop Chainsaw
Obsidian Entertainment

Of course, any game based on South Park – one of the silliest, most over the top and loud-mouthed cartoons in television history – was always going to feature some particularly un-PC moments.

However, when even South Park thinks you’ve gone too far over the edge, then you’ve probably definitely done something you should be ashamed of. The achievement “Too Far” from the exceptional 2014 title, The Stick of Truth, has potentially one of the most jaw-dropping descriptions you’ll ever see for an official video game trophy.

It goes a bit like this: “You farted on the corpse of an aborted Nazi Zombie fetus”

There’s not much else you can say to follow that up, but yes, at one point in the game you encounter the aborted fetus of a Nazi zombie and you’re forced to kill it. However, because this is a South Park title, you can obviously fart on the defeated remains, and to get this achievement you'll have to do just that – but you’ll probably need to take a long, cold shower straight afterwards.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3