15 Disturbing Video Game Achievements You Should Be Ashamed Of

2. Perverted (South Park: The Stick Of Truth)

Lollipop Chainsaw

Well, South Park probably wouldn’t be doing its job properly if it only showed up on a list about disturbing video game achievements once, would it? Although farting on the corpse of an aborted Nazi Zombie fetus is just a crazy thing to write down, The Stick of Truth’s second appearance on this list is disturbing for far simpler reasons.

When you're shrunk down to miniscule size by underpants gnomes (it's South Park, just go with it), you come across a lightswitch which moves you to the next room. One you get to the other side you find yourself in your parents room - and they just happen to be having sex right behind you. If you don't carry on to the next room but instead wait there for one full minute then you'll get the achievement "Pervert" for staying to spy on your parents.

The video itself is even raunchier than you can possibly imagine, so if you want to look it up be warned - it's most definitely NSFW.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3