15 Disturbing Video Game Achievements You Should Be Ashamed Of

8. Testikill (Blitz: The League 2)

Lollipop Chainsaw

Injuries are an inherent part of any popular sport, so it only makes sense that the real life fear of losing one of your best players to injury made it over to just about every sporting game series.

However, in classic video game fashion, some of these franchises proceeded to get their kicks by ramping up identifiable real life situations to ridiculously over the top heights. One of these titles was the Blitz: The League 2, a sensationalised American Football sim which forefronts all the controversial aspects of the sport. From aggressive injuries to the most spectacular of touchdowns, this sequel recreates every part of the sport to the extreme – even its injuries.

To unlock The League 2’s “Testikill” achievement you might think that you’ll only have to cause some wonky and unfortunate tackles to an unlucky opponent, however the reality is much, much more cringeworthy.

In fact, the achievement’s description sums up its gruesome nature perfectly, telling you that you have to “Rupture 10 scrotums in any mode of play”. While just reading that can send anyone into an uncomfortable wince, the reality of what you actually have to do to unlock this 20G is much, much worse - as you'll have to endure the above animation multiple times.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3