15 Disturbing Video Game Achievements You Should Be Ashamed Of

7. Power Of The Atom (Fallout 3)

Lollipop Chainsaw

One of the first choices you get to make in Fallout 3 once you emerge from the safety of the vault is whether or not to completely destroy the first settlement you come across.

It was an extreme way to introduce a big part of the Fallout mythos to new players early on, cluing gamers in to let them know that they can change the title’s landscape in huge ways if they so wanted to.

But still, while everyone of course nuked the humble and cosy town of Megaton at some point (probably with a spare save to reload to once they inevitably regretted the decision), it doesn’t make it any less of a dick move. Even worse, you can travel back to the bomb site that was the former city whenever you want - of course with everyone dead. Well, except for one “lucky” shopkeeper who ended up as an irradiated Ghoul and a constant reminder that you are a terrible, terrible person.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3