15 Fan Demands For The Fable Reboot

3. Boasting

Fable 4 world

On the subject of replaying missions, one of the unique features of the original game was the ability to boast about your upcoming quests. You're going to defend this town against Balverines using only your fists, and you'll make sure not a single villager dies. You're going to fight off the Hobbes at this farm while naked apart from a tasteful pair of Union Jack briefs. A load of assassins? Why, you won't even take a single hit from them.

The more boasts you made about a quest, the more rewards you'd get from that quest. Simple and brilliant; the feature was popular with fans and regularly in the top ten requested additions, and the man who designed it always tried to have it brought back for the later games in the series, but it was never to be.

Boasting absolutely needs to be in the reboot with the podium, and maybe also built as a gateway to starting missions. Imagine your Hero gets drunk at a pub and the screen fades to black. You come to the next morning with a raging hangover and surrounded by people expecting you to fistfight a troll while wearing a flowery dress and singing La Bamba.

Make it happen, Playground.

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