15 Fan Demands For The Fable Reboot

2. Do You Have Any Potions Or Food?

Fable 4 world

The Guild Master of the Heroes Guild was a kindly man to his charges but not one who would take any sh*t from them. As he reminded us all when an errant blow would find its way onto him, he could break the Hero whenever he chose to (except that one time). Such a complex character needed a strong voice that was also kindly, and Lionhead turned to Hugo Myatt to fill the role in the first game.

His voice added a depth to the Guild Master that certainly wasn't there in the script and, despite prattling on about your health being low, players loved the kindly leader and certainly didn't ever murder him or carve anything into his forehead. Myatt was more than just the voice of the Guild Master to British players; he'd been guiding us through adventures for years as Treguard, the custodian of the Knightmare TV show.

While it's unlikely that Myatt will return to the role after all these years, Playground needs to get someone with similar vocal qualities to play Weaver this time around. Simon Callow, who narrated the trailer we saw at the Microsoft showcase, seems a perfect choice.

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After hearing that you are what you eat, Mik took a good hard look at his diet and realised he might just be a szechuan spare rib alongside prawn fried rice.