15 Fan Demands For The Fable Reboot

1. A New Beginning

Fable 4 world
Lionhead Studios

The story of Fable is pretty simple, but fans know there is a deeper mythology there that has almost always been kept to the surrounding media rather than included in the games. Scythe, Jack Of Blades, and the Sword Of Aeons all have a fascinating shared history with the development of the world that you just don't even find hinted at in the games.

If Playground Games are truly looking to reboot the series starting with a modernised retelling of the Hero Of Oakvale's story, then they could do a lot worse than look at the extra lore that has been built since that game released and incorporate it into the new game from the beginning.

That could easily include some of the ideas cut from the series as they were thought too dark or complex for the 2004 original. At no point in that game does the boy at the beginning find his puppy nailed to the door by bandits, yet that was the original plan for the opening of the game. A later time-travel quest would even have seen the Hero opening the way for Jack's attack while retrieving important artifacts.

All of this could be fodder for the reboot.

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