15 Fan Demands For The Fable Reboot

10. Combat Skills

Fable 4 world

There are those who, quite rightly, deride Fable II for simplifying the popular formula from the original game rather than building on it. So much was taken away from that original promise, in fact, that it's sometimes hard to look at what the game brought to the series. While the majority of that focus will be on the dog, what's often overlooked is the addition of combat skills.

Both the Brutal Styles and Dextrous Styles skill chains started with basic defensive moves like blocking attacks and rolling out of the way. As Heroes progressed along those paths, they'd learn to flick their aim to different body parts while locked onto an enemy, perform powerful flourishes, and devastating ripostes that could allow even the least powerful Hero to kill an enemy in one hit.

These abilities absolutely must make a return for the reboot and be brought into modern gameplay stylings. Flourishes should be different for each weapon type and different again for legendary weapons no matter the type. Even something as simple as the dodge might be different depending on who uses it, with a fast warrior simply sidestepping a blow while a Will user teleports slightly away from the attack.

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