15. Kratos - God Of War Series

Here we have an awesome, extravagant series which often seemed to rely heavily on button mashing, if not for the combat gameplay then definitely for some of the Quick Time Event sections. But broken thumbs are a small price to pay for the amount of fun players had as Kratos. As a Spartan warrior with a tragic back story it was understandable that Kratos might have needed to blow off some steam and naturally this made for an epic experience. The sheer scale of the violence in these games was staggering and awe inspiring and showed that Kratos was not one to be messed with and the links to Greek mythology, legends and characters made for a very compelling story. Despite the series being riddled with QTE's which many people aren't overly fond of, some of the brutal God executions from God of War 3 are truly memorable moments that will cement Kratos in the archives of gaming legend as a bonafide badass.
High Point For This Character: Many of the boss battles and executions, particularly from God of War 3. Ripping off Helios' head with Kratos' bare hands and punching Zeus repeatedly in the face for several minutes (even after the screen was completely red) are just the tip of an awe inspiring and haunting iceberg.