15 Greatest Resident Evil Moments Ever

Showcasing some of the most glorious, absurd and terrifying moments throughout the years.

Dr Salvador Resident Evil

Resident Evil has been going strong now for twenty-four years, racking up almost thirty games, give or take. Main entries, spin-off's, ports, remakes and even slot machines, the series has sold nearly one hundred million units total.

There are also some films, too...

Yet it's the games we love, and in turn, have gleaned many a fond memory over the years from the franchise that started as a remake of Sweet Home. Zombies galore, nasty jump scares, improbable villain motivations and even boulder punching*, and that's just the start.

Terrible dialogue, all the way to sassy one-liners. Undead enemies rising and evolving to grosser monstrosities, returning characters thought dead, some that should have stayed dead... they're all here.

It's hard to pin down what makes Resident Evil great as one quantifiable "thing". It has its ups and downs as any franchise does. There have been some misses, like Resident Evil 6, and there have been the hits, like the second and fourth main titles.

And sure, you're going to have your personal favourites and I'm not going to detract from that. This is just a celebration of some of the best moments in the long-running history of the franchise.

So come along with me as we look at fifteen of the greatest moments in Resident Evil history.

*There's no boulder punching in the list though. That's filed in the "WTF" moments.

15. "Your Right Hand Comes Off?" - Resident Evil 4

Dr Salvador Resident Evil

Starting the list off with something everyone loves to hate, or along those lines, is the squeaky-voiced Ramon Salazar.

He's one of the more annoying aspects of the Resident Evil 4, as well as the series on the whole. His demeanour wouldn't be out of place in the 60's Batman TV show, that's how ludicrous he was.

Yet there's one absolutely absurd moment that will forever stick in mine and many other's heads. It's not the escape from the giant statue of the man, nor is it popping that grossly deformed head in the boss fight against him.

No, it's the beautiful wordplay between Salazar and Leon, when the former threatens the latter. After cursing out Leon (again), Salazar triumphantly tells Leon he's sent his right hand after him, in the guise of one of his robed guards.

Leon, the consummate professional, calmly responds with the brilliant line:

"Your right hand comes off?"


It's like they thought, "Leon's a quipper now, with his new role. What retort can he have to that?" and bingo, that's what we got.

A line immortalised by how awfully corny it was.


Player of games, watcher of films. Has a bad habit of buying remastered titles. Reviews games and delivers sub-par content in his spare time. Found at @GregatonBomb on Twitter/Instagram.