15 Greatest Set-Pieces In Video Game History

13. The Heart Of The Riftworm (Gears Of War 2)

Some games might shy away from displaying copious amounts of gore and dismemberment on screen - Gears of War is definitely not one of those games. The series revels in its goriness, whether it be from blasting a Locust's head off with a Longshot or cutting them up close with the Lancer's chainsaw attachment. A Gears campaign is full of explosive, bloody moments but Gears of War 2 tops them all with the Riftworm scenes. The Riftworm is a giant worm creature that the Locust viewed as a God. It was being used by the Locust to sink the above-ground cities and with impenetrable skin, it seemed impossible to defeat. Well, unless you take a detour to the inside of it, of course. Delta's ride gets swallowed by the Riftworm as they try to flee and instead of abandoning hope, they simply decide to take a chainsaw to the worm's insides and kill it while they have a chance. This leads to easily the bloodiest scene in the entire Gears franchise. Fenix and Co have to sever the arteries of the Riftworm's heart, slowly filling the creature (and the level) up with blood. It sticks to the COG soldiers as they wade through and with the creature finally dead, they cut their way out, emerging in a flood of purple, sticky Riftworm blood. Nice.

I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.