15 Greatest Steam Video Games Of The 2000s


Never has a subtitle been more accurate than €œEverybody Dies€ for the 2006 game DEFCON. A real time nuclear war simulator that looks beautifully simple, and practically is. The objective of DEFCON is to cause mass destruction across the globe, while trying to protect your own borders and minimising the damage done to them. However disturbing it is, there€™s nothing more enjoyable then watching the death count go up into the millions when your nuke hits the perfect spot. It€™s even more satisfying when you€™re playing against other people, from one on ones to six people free-for-alls. Although it may look very simple, there is some real strategy and tactics to be used during a game of DEFCON. From the placements of your Radars to your nuke deployment, it takes a lot of practise to master Introversion€™s biggest game. What the critics say: Gamespot: 8.1/10 IGN: 8.5/10 Steam User Reviews: Very Positive (88% Positive) Metacritic: 8/10
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