15 Hidden Video Game Design Secrets That Are Total Genius

13. DmC's Off Screen Enemies Slow Down So You Can Avoid Being Blindsided

dmc devil may cry
Ninja Theory

No one - besides Dark Souls fans - likes being mobbed by tons of enemies at once, though it's always necessary in many action games to create the illusion that the hero can take everybody on at once.

First seen in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time - and is one of the many reasons Nintendo's monolithic release is one of the best games of all time - it's key that the enemy A.I. doesn't all rush in at once. Where Zelda's solution was to only 'activate' whichever foe you were manually targeting (with any others standing by and watching/waiting their turn), Ninja Theory's DmC: Devil May Cry utilises the camera instead.

Adapting Horizon's 'sight line approach', any enemies not in Dante's field of view will be 'slowed down' quite considerably, allowing you to focus on the most noticeable threats. It means that when you do start to pan the camera around, there's always a feeling of group combat, but this makes the encounters far more manageable and fun.

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