15 Horrifying Video Game Easter Eggs You Totally Missed

15. No More Heroes €“ Fast-Forwarded Backstory

No More Heroes is a pretty goofy game. Between the anime-loving, reclusive loner protagonist, Travis, the lightsaber fights and the game€™s tendency to treat anything approaching serious with tongue firmly in cheek, you might be surprised to find a horrifying easter egg lurking within. The final boss of No More Heroes is €“ spoiler alert €“ your half-sister Jeane. As you charge towards the climax and are about to finally learn what her motivation has been all this time, suddenly the scene speeds up and we€™re treated to a bunch of chipmunk-style nonsense while Travis overreacts hilariously in the background. Turns out that with the aid of editing software, you can actually hear the slowed down dialogue €“ and Jeane€™s backstory is actually really, really messed up. Her father molested her from an early age, she lived in poverty for a long time, and in the end was forced to prostitute herself to pay for fighting lessons - all to seek revenge on her (and Travis€™) father. On second thoughts, I'm actually glad that part was sped up.
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