15 'Horror' Video Games That Totally Failed To Scare Anyone

1. Five Nights At Freddy€™s

Admittedly, the first game was vaguely eerie when it first started making the rounds, before it was ruined by teenagers using it as fodder for their terrible let€™s play videos. The backstory is certainly memorable, and even the game itself will make you jump out of your seat from time to time, but unfortunately, that isn€™t quite enough to save Five Nights at Freddy€™s. While the premise is fairly original, and the intentions of the developers were innocent enough when making it, it€™s been turned into the worst horror property on the planet by the internet.

It€™s almost impossible to separate Five Nights at Freddy€™s from the screaming, prepubescent voices of the million youtubers who have so merciless murdered anything and everything even remotely frightening about the game. Worse still, Freddy is also responsible for the wave of ripoffs that have flooded Steam ever since, overcrowding the market and overshadowing the competition.

When I picture Five Nights at Freddy€™s, I don€™t see an innocent horror game with a unique concept trying to do something interesting with a heavily restricted budget and no name recognition, I see everything that€™s wrong with horror games today, and the perception of horror games.

For that reason alone, and because the series got even more obnoxious as it went on, Five Nights at Freddy€™s has to be awarded the top spot.

Which supposedly scary games totally dropped the ball? Let us know in the comments!


Formerly an assistant editor, Richard's interests include detective fiction and Japanese horror movies.