15 Hugely Anticipated Video Games That Must Be At E3 2016

3. Resident Evil 7

Resident evil 7

Come on Capcom, it's about time you re-righted your own ship, as although many will argue Resi 6 already ruptured the hull, if 7 is anything less than arm-flailing, 'Praise the Lord!'-spectacular, the whole thing's going to be face-to-face with the Titanic.

Thankfully, although Capcom are hanging back and commissioning endless remasters of the original 6, SEO of Kantan Games, Serkan Toto, tweeted out that Resident Evil 7 would not only be coming at E3, but would be a "clean break" - assumedly meaning the combat-heavy focus of Resi's 5 and 6 will fall by the wayside.

Nothing official has been said and who knows what it'll actually play like, but judging by how successful both Resi Revelations and the old school re-skins have gone down over the years, I'm betting it'll be an over-shoulder scare-a-thon in the vein of everything pre-Resident Evil 5.

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