15 Hugely Anticipated Video Games That Must Be At E3 2016

2. Splinter Cell 7

splinter cell sam

After noting that "Sam will be back" following the ridiculously underrated Splinter Cell: Blacklist during an interview with Arabic Gamers, we've not heard a peep out of Ubisoft since.

Most likely, this was down to the franchise losing Michael Ironside, the veteran voice of Mr. Fisher, and although the resulting game played better than any previous entries, it still came after a couple of misguided instalments that played with too much of an action focus.

For Splinter Cell 7, Fisher should probably take a more advisory role to a new agent, allowing Ubi to get Ironside back in on voice-only duties. He would then essentially be the new Lambert, and the character could live on or get involved in stories that way, as we gravitate to someone else equipping the iconic three-light goggles.

Whatever happens, development has been underway for several years now, and as Metal Gear Solid is pretty much done for, it's the perfect time to reign all of us stealth fans at once.

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