15 Hugely Anticipated Video Games That Must Be At E3 2016

11. Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor 2

shadow of mordor 2
Warner Bros.

You have to love Nerdleaks, the super sleuth site that scours the internet for any mention of upcoming titles and worthy news stories. I'll get into one of their more high-profile finds in a few points' time, but another centres around the existence of Shadow of Mordor 2.

Appearing on a stunt worker's online CV, SoM2 looks to already be well underway, which is pretty inevitable, considering the overwhelming success of the original.

Pioneering some truly innovative tech named the 'Nemesis system' that meant even the lowliest Orc on the pecking order could become your personal narrative's primary antagonist, I'm personally psyched to see where developers Monolith go from here.

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