15 Hugely Anticipated Video Games That Must Be At E3 2016

12. Saints Row 5

saints row 5
Deep Silver

Developers Deep Silver aren't having the best time at the minute, what with Homefront: The Revolution floundering in the eyes of critics and Mighty No. 9 going down about as well as a shower of pork scratchings at a vegan wedding.

Regardless, they've got out ahead of the negative press and stated they'll be making their "Next big announcement" at E3. And what's their biggest franchise so far?

Well, it could be another Dead Islan- no, dammit, it'll be Saints Row! I hope, anyway. The studio were formerly on a roll with Saints Row 3 being one of the best games of 2011 and part four continuing where it left off. Sadly, Gat out of Hell committed the cardinal sin of being a $60 glorified DLC pack, and that stopped momentum DEAD.

There's a lot of love left for Saints Row though, and with Rockstar saying they're resting GTA for now, here's to a grand return very soon.

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