15 Iconic Video Games That Almost Turned Out Completely Different

4. Conker's Bad Fur Day Was Just Another Cutesy Platformer

Ever have one of those days where you bust your be-hind trying to please someone and they just don't appreciate it? Seems that's what Rare felt like after trying to create a platformer that would appeal to the masses, only for pretty much every test they underwent with consumer feedback coming back with overwhelming negativity. They suitably (most likely) swore up a storm and cursed in all manner of different ways - only to think "Aha! That's how the game should be", giving some much-needed personality to Conker and the poop-filled world around him. Still today, Conker is regarded as one of the funniest games around, and it all stemmed from that never-ending well of vitriolic black humour we all tap into whenever you get riled up against a particularly annoying circumstance. Thank f**k, right?
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