15 Iconic Video Games That Almost Turned Out Completely Different

8. Resident Evil 4 Was Just Like The Others - Randomly Birthed Devil May Cry

One of the most widely-known change-ups in years gone by, even what would eventually turn into the genre-forming over-shoulder shooter Resident Evil 4 was morphed numerous times; a particularly action-heavy version emerging as Devil May Cry with Resi 2-director Hideki Kamiya at the helm. Besides that, the original version of Resi 4 was a far more standard affair, tank-controls and awkward aiming to boot. Unveiled in 2003, the villainous 'Hook Man' of the trailer was supposed to be the game's new Nemesis, yet the whole project fell apart due to a number of reasons. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afpf508tDeU Assets were then recompiled for DMC as the core Resi team - and creative genius Shinji Mikami in particular - spearheaded a major shakeup in the game's design that would drop the camera, introduce some cinematic borders and eventually birth what you now know as the legendary Resident Evil 4.
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