15 Incredible Creations That Prove Minecraft-Obsessives Are Geniuses

4. Minas Tirith (Lord Of The Rings)

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjuN8sEfBxc There's a whole bunch of amazing Lord of the Rings recreations but, like the fictional city itself, Minecraft Minas Tirith is the most visually impressive. There's a variety of different versions (some using different texture packs to create unique effects) which may not rival Peter Jackson's version of the city but given the relatively limited tools of Minecraft, they're equally as impressive. The visual highlight of every replica is the towering stone bastion splitting Minas Tirith down the middle; rock coloured blocks have never looked so intimidating. The white stone used for the actual city structures surrounding the stone pillar also look great, even without high-definition textures. The best part is, Minas Tirith already had a blocky makeover with Lego's Lord of the Rings line (including a video game) and these Minecraft recreations make it look rubbish. Score one for everyone's favourite indie game.

3. Redstone Creations

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcXq7pul7aw Redstone circuitry is one of the more complex elements of Minecraft but it also rewards those who take the time to study it massively. On a basic level, redstone can be used to connect doors to levers or to power rails to allow for quicker minecart movement but thinking outside the box makes the possibilities seemingly endless. For example, someone has invented a bank system based around redstone, complete with a PIN number to enter. Even better... it's a multi-account system, so with separate PIN codes, you and a couple of friends could have your own hidden storage. It's mind-blowing that clever technology like that is hiding in a game as simple looking as Minecraft but it only gets more complicated from here.
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I have an addiction to achievements, a craving for new bands and a dream to become Captain America. I once finished second in a Mario Kart 7 tournament so I'm kind of a big deal.