15 Injustice Moments That Shocked The World

1. Superman Destroys Gotham And Metropolis

Injustice Solomon Grundy Superman

As if to cement his role as the worst person in all of the Injustice series, the end of the game has Superman decide to destroy Gotham and Metropolis - under the guise of showing his opponents how bad life would be without him, but realistically likely more for some sort of bizarre vengeance.

It's shocking just to see how far DC's former greatest hero has gone, and how far he is willing to go to prove a point that is only serving to alienate his remaining allies from him. Seeing the Man of Steel plan the exact kind of evil scheme he spent so many years fighting against is completely surreal, and the former hero's complete lack of awareness that this is what he's doing is honestly unnerving at this point of the plot.

Launching an all out war on his own home town and Gotham is the point of no return for Superman - and that's what makes the moment so damn good.

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