15 Injustice Moments That Shocked The World

13. Superman Murdering Lois

Injustice Solomon Grundy Superman
DC Comics

Perhaps the most well known moment of Injustice - and deservedly so - lies at its very beginning, where Superman kills his pregnant wife, Lois Lane.

After being unknowingly infected with fear toxin by the Joker, Superman hallucinates the thing he fears most, in the form of the city-destroying behemoth Doomsday. Attempting to save the city, Superman flies Doomsday out into space - only to realise that it can't be Doomsday, because he can hear two heartbeats coming from the monster - heartbeats he recognises as belonging to his wife and their unborn child.

Given this moment is what convinces Superman to commit a series of atrocities, it's a suitably surprising one, as up until then you're left unsure if plot holes like the Joker and Doomsday teaming up are intentional, or a weird choice on the creators part. When the moment first happens, you're left just as surprised as the Man of Steel - and maybe even just as heartbroken.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.