15 Injustice Moments That Shocked The World

12. The Justice League Fight Poseidon

Injustice Solomon Grundy Superman
DC Comics

When you begin reading Injustice, you're very unlikely to go in with the expectation of seeing the Greek god of the sea eaten by a shark - and yet, the minute you see it in the comic, you realise it's what you've been waiting for your whole life.

Because as much as you just couldn't predict DC's King of Atlantis and his mythological counterpart going toe to toe, it's also the exact level of surprising and shocking events that Injustice thrives upon.

The fight leads to the collective cast taking on pretty much every major member of the Greek gods, destroying yet another faction within the DC universe, and placing the already warring League against some of the most powerful beings in the universe.

It's weird, it's needlessly bloodthirsty, and kind of confusing - and in being so, it's so perfectly made for the series you half expect the initial idea for the entire script to all be possible ways for them to include Aquaman feeding a water god to a shark.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.