15 Most Criminally Underrated Video Games Of 2016 (So Far)
4. The Technomancer
Although it took a bit of a battering in the mainstream press, there are a lot of really awesome ideas at the heart of The Technomancer. You can read more here, but the big takeaway is its setting - a cyberpunk-tinged tale of rebellion on Mars, set against the backdrop of sandy red dunes and mutated monsters baying for your blood.
Combat is ostensibly The Witcher 3, except you've three stances to swap between on the fly, resulting in going from a pistol n' knife combo to a wide-reaching bow-staff and a more standard mace and shield combo. By changing these up and getting comfortable with a constant need to alternate your approach, there's a surprising amount of depth when it comes to tackling groups of enemies - because make no mistake, The Technomancer is very hard.
Downsides include Heavy Rain-esque amateurish voice acting and cutscene animation reminiscent of the original Mass Effect, but for its formidable RPG chops, awesome world and loot-driven customisation options, The Technomancer excels more than it stumbles.