15 Most Criminally Underrated Video Games Of 2016 (So Far)

13. Furi

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The Game Bakers

Furi is hands-down the most infuriating and downright challenging game on PS4 by quite some amount. I mean, Dark Souls is hard and unforgiving, but at least it features a ramp-up in difficulty.

What The Game Bakers have designed here hits the ground running and simply asks that you keep up. Your moveset is comprised of a split-second parry, a quick dodge, some attack combos and charged modifier for the latter two. By combining the lot you'll have an immediately tactile roster of abilities; one you'll need to genuinely master if you want to stand a chance.

Projectiles pepper the screen in your standard top-down view, but the camera jumps to more of an up-close 'fighting game' setup once you get your various opponents down to half-health. In this mode timing is even more integral than ever as you respond to attacking sound effects, area-of-effect attacks and a variety of life-sapping specials.

So far, Furi has proven to be one of the most surprisingly awesome games of the year so far, and one that if you're reading this in July 2016, is available for free on PS Plus.

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