15 Most Disappointing Video Game Sequels Of The Decade (So Far)

3. Resident Evil 6

ResidentEvil6SecondTrailer-600x300 As much flack as Resident Evil 5 gets today, the reception for the game at the time was actually quite positive, and although the game was derivative, its main crime was that, if anything, it didn€™t do enough to differentiate itself from the fourth entry. Unfortunately, Resident Evil 6 did too much to differentiate itself. But it's not entirely fair to completely trash the game outright, because Resident Evil 6 is a great experience €“ well, one third of it is anyway. But for as much as Leon€™s campaign gets right, the other 2 campaigns get horribly wrong. While there is some fun to be found here and there, there hasn€™t been a video game ever released that tries to hit so many marks but actually only manages to achieve so few. Bordering on either being a numbing and lifeless third person shooter or an incredibly asinine and frustrating co-op experience, Resident Evil 6 completely dive-bombed a series that was already in free-fall.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3