15 Most Disappointing Video Game Sequels Of The Decade (So Far)

1. The Sims 4

The Sims 4 If The Sims 4 came out before The Sims 3 it might have been considered a great game. But when your sequel provides so much less content, gameplay abilities and customisation than its preceding entry, you have to know that you€™re going to piss off a huge number of your fans. While functional in its own right, The Sims 4€™s biggest mistake was that it simply took away too much content that was included in the previous game. There was no longer a large and interconnected map, gone were many of the items and jobs you could perform in your day-to-day, and hell, glaring and seemingly easily included omissions such as the ability to install a swimming pool were nowhere to be found in this reductive title. Because The Sims 4 seemed to focus on taking away things away from the player rather than giving them more options, the game simply provided no incentive for players to pick it up over its better, and by then cheaper, preceding entry. What's been your most disappointing sequel since 2010? Let us know in the comments!

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3