15 Most Disappointing Video Game Sequels Of The Decade (So Far)

10. Crackdown 2

Handing the franchise over to a different developer, Crackdown 2 felt more like an expansion pack than it did an actual true sequel. That€™s not even being too hyperbolic about it either, ignoring for the most part the gang-centred nature of the original game, part two opted to deliver a campaign that focused on a city overrun by mutants and zombies, featuring a supernatural twist on an otherwise straight sci-fi experience €“ something pretty much every DLC at the time was doing. With no real upgrades to the city or the way you could cause havoc in its sandbox outside of a wingsuit to get around, when Crackdown 2 released it felt more like a stop-gap title to cover ground between the first game and a true sequel that's still never managed to materialise.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3