15 Most Disappointing Video Game Sequels Of The Decade (So Far)

9. Ghost Recon: Future Soldier

In the same vein as Splinter Cell: Conviction, Future Soldier planned to adapt the classic Ghost Recon franchise in a modern gaming context €“ and just like Conviction, it also released while hyping a lot of great ideas that ultimately weren€™t fully realised in the final build. But Future Soldier wasn't a bad game per se, it just did nothing to stand out from the other shooters it was competing with. The teammate interaction featured in previous entries of the series was limited, the guns - while plentiful - all acted too similar to each other, and while the base gameplay was mostly sound, the lack of variety meant that it got too repetitive too quickly. With Splinter Cell and then Ghost Recon, Ubisoft is now two for two when it comes to failing at rebooting their popular franchises as best they could, so while the upcoming Rainbow Six: Siege looks great in pre-release footage, let€™s just hope it isn€™t cursed to repeat the same mistakes as these two disappointing entries into otherwise great franchises.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3