15 Most Disappointing Video Game Sequels Of The Decade (So Far)

8. Dead Space 3

Similar to the Resident Evil series, the further the Dead Space franchise strayed from its horror roots, the worse its games became. Although Dead Space 2 is considered the pinnacle of the series and progressed intuitively upon the original game, the third entry into the franchise felt like a step in the wrong direction. While the addition of co-op diluted the horror as much as it did in Resident Evil 5, the more action-centred focus meant that Dead Space lost that flair of originality and personality that pulsed through the original two games. More than other series', Dead Space€™s transition to straight up third person action shooting felt completely unneeded. Dead Space 2 both sold well and became a critical darling, and still stands today as one of the most definitive modern survival horror games ever put to disc. Therefore this third entry's awkward transition into something more generic and mainstream felt entirely oppositional to everything the Dead Space series stood for.

Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3