15 Most Disappointing Video Games Of The Decade

5. Mass Effect 3

Mass Effect 3

I really don't want to rag on Mass Effect 3. The game has been a punching bag since it launched back in 2012, to the point where the things it actually did well - the emotional highs it hit in places - have all been overshadowed.

That said, it's not without cause, because, well... that ending, man.

ME 3's final moments will go down in gaming history as an example of how a botched finale can tank an entire franchise, as its out-of-nowhere introduction of a god-like Star Child and choice between three equally unsatisfying conclusions, all of which disregarded the choices players made up to that point, left fans in disbelief.

There were other issues of course, including 'streamlining' dialogue systems down to two options rather than three and an over-abundance of fetch quests, but they'd have been accepted had Bioware's game nailed the landing.

In this post: 
Dead Space 3
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3