15 Most Disappointing Video Games Of The Decade

6. Star Fox: Zero

star fox zero

Fans waited years for a new Star Fox game, but when Zero dropped on the Wii U back in 2016, they probably wished they hadn't bothered.

Despite the long wait and promises that this was going to be a true continuation of Nintendo's underdog series, what the company delivered was a half-baked, half-finished mess of a side-scroller.

The biggest issue (except from the game being over in less than three hours) was the difficulty. The title essentially played itself, dumbed down so much that there was no challenge and, ultimately, no fun.

Throw in some poorly implemented motion controls and Star Fox Zero appealed to no one, and even die-hard fans had to fall over themselves to find reasons to praise it.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3