15 Most Disappointing Video Games Of The Decade

10. Fable 3

Fable 3

In one sense, you could maybe argue that every Fable game has disappointed in some way. With this series, creator Peter Molyneux always overpromised and underdelivered, but for the most part that was accepted because Fable 1 and 2 were genuinely excellent RPGs.

Sadly, the same cannot be said of Fable 3.

This trilogy capper came with more pre-release ambitions than ever before, and yet the final game felt like it was actually less ambitious than the previous titles.

In an attempt to appeal to a more mainstream crowd, the bulk of the game's systems were streamlined and simplified to the point where it wasn't fun to play, and overall simply lacked the depth fans came for.

In this post: 
Dead Space 3
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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3