15 Most Disappointing Video Games Of The Decade

9. Star Wars: Battlefront

star wars battlefront

Cast your mind back to 2013. Before the dark times. Before the Empire (EA) made it abundantly clear that they had no intentions of doing the Star Wars license they just bought from Disney justice. That was the glorious time of optimism and hope that Star Wars Battlefront was announced in.

A reboot of a popular SW franchise from the team in charge of the world-conquering Battlefield series seemed like a match made in heaven, but sadly a quick turnaround to maximise profits by launching alongside The Force Awakens resulted in a game that had a solid core, but was clearly half baked.

Without a single-player campaign and only a smattering of weapons, maps, and customisation options, Battlefront was a fine title, but one severely lacking in content. To make matters worse, it was aimed at a much more casual market than Battlefield, and that resulted in gameplay with less depth, and a more arcade-style approach to vehicles and power ups.

It was fine, but Star Wars deserves more than fine.

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Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3