15 Most Embarrassing Video Game Moments Of 2017

9. Konami Just Won't Leave Kojima Alone

Mass Effect

By now, everyone knows the story of Kojima and Konami. Kojima left. Konami got pissed, erased his name from everything and barred him from the 2015 Game Awards and announced a Metal Gear game without Kojima that literally no one wanted. All while Kojima went off and started making his most confusing game to date, Death Stranding.

Back in June, Nikkei, a Japanese news outlet brought to light more drama surrounding Konami and Kojima. It turns out that Kojima Productions was having problems joining Kanto IT Software Health Insurance Association. The kicker here is Konami supposedly has a pretty big part in the association, so the difficulties Kojima was facing seem pretty fishy.

The Insurance Association also refused to comment on the situation, which didn't make things look any better.

On top of this, Konami has allegedly told other large game companies to be wary of hiring those who used to work for Konami, presumably because they at some point came into contact with Kojima, whom they are starting to treat like a disease.

It's been a while since any new drama between the two has been brought to light, so hopefully this means the two year saga is finally behind us, especially considering Kojima issued a public thank you to Konami for his time spent there a couple months back.

However, Konami sure loves to surprise us with things we don't want.

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Mass Effect
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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.