15 Most Epic Video Game Boss Battles Of 2016 (So Far)

6. Dark Souls III - Iudex Gundyr

dark souls III 3

Did you think there'd be a best boss battles of the year without an entry from Dark Souls? And while there's so many boss battles to choose from in Dark Souls 3, it's the first one you're presented with that sticks in the mind. It doesn't stand out for difficulty purposes, and really it doesn't stand out for being a grand battle. It stands out for the reason that for those who are jumping into Dark Souls with the third, it's going to be their first experience with a boss and will certainly be something to remember. Even for experienced players it sets the tone early on in the game.

On top of that, it's the absolute what the f**k moment when you get Iudex Gundyr to half health and he transforms into a one-armed shadow monster. At that moment, you remember you're playing Dark Souls 3 and nothing will ever be easy.

It's a fast thrust into the game for new players, but a refreshing breath of familiar air for experienced players.

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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.