15 Most Epic Video Game Boss Battles Of 2016 (So Far)

12. Hearthstone: One Night In Karazhan - The Black King

hearthstone protect the king

For those of you who are more than likely unfamiliar with Hearthstone, its a turn based card game that expands on the lore of the Warcraft series. Being a card game, that means there's a lot of rules, a lot of exceptions and a lot to get to know before you can jump right in.

For its boss battle though - it's themed around chess.

The deck was pre-made and each card resembled a piece on a chess board with specific abilities. It was a pretty different type of battle to be included, as the placement of each card on the field mattered. Strategy became more important than ever, and each move had to be thought out in advance, just like a classic game of chess.

It's very different, very unique and very challenging - all the good qualities of a memorable boss battle.

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Uncharted 4
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Just a gamer with an unhealthy addiction to achievements, fantasy booking WWE events and watching 90's teen comedies.