15 Most Headscratchingly Awful Video Game Redesigns

1. Space Invaders: Invasion Day

space invaders

What? Space Invaders needs a remake as a third person shooter? You're nuts. Stop it. Go home.

Taito, apparently, never had the foresight to say that when this game was suggested.

Also known as Space Raiders in the US, Invasion Day is a cheaply made 3D remake of the original Space Invaders. The player gets to choose from 3 characters, all as equally bland as the last, and join them as they gun down wave upon wave of ugly alien invaders that barely resemble the pixel creatures from the arcade game. In a dirty alleyway, where barrels are your only defense.

After thinking on this article a long time, all I can muster to say is...

Why does this even exist?

If you're going to just remake the original Space Invaders, why even bother with all the silly characters, the ugly redesigns, if it's still just a simple shoot 'em up? Better yet, how about you don't make it a realistic looking game? Or just don't bother?


Got any other awful reboots or redesigns you had in mind when you read this article? Speak up in the comments below!


Fan of professional wrestling and fighting game enthusiast. While he insists Street Fighter V isn't as bad as you think, he will agree that it's kinda crap anyways.