15 Most Headscratchingly Awful Video Game Redesigns

2. Fire Pro Wrestling

space invaders

Since you're on WhatCulture, chances are, you've heard of this gorgeous little franchise. Fire Pro, one of Japan's greatest exports, is a wrestling simulation franchise where you can customize 2D wrestlers to the nth degree, from the colour of their tights to their AI routines.

We have Microsoft to blame for this travesty again. In what I can only assume was a strange appeal to Japanese audiences, Microsoft commissioned the rights to the Fire Pro name to build their own wrestling brawler for the Xbox Marketplace.

Calling this game Fire Pro Wrestling, to put it simply, is like calling Wii Sports's boxing mode Street Fighter.

Replacing customizable sprites with avatars, and reducing all simulation efforts to a simplistic single player arcade progression, this Fire Pro game is absolutely nothing like anything that's ever bore the Fire Pro name. Even the grappling system removes the trademark timing, for a dumb button mash minigame!

Frankly, this isn't so much a reboot as it is a butchering.


Fan of professional wrestling and fighting game enthusiast. While he insists Street Fighter V isn't as bad as you think, he will agree that it's kinda crap anyways.